Also at therapy we found out that Hannah has very flat feet and over pronates. Her DT has recommended that she be evaluated by a physical therapist to see if we need to take her to
a podiatrist. This is apparently part of the reason why Hannah runs so funny. Hannah's therapist also recommended that Hannah get a weighted blanket to help with her sleep issues. Mom is attempting to make one for her since they are very expensive to buy and not nearly as expensive to buy the stuff to make one. Hopefully she will be successful. If not, we'll just have to buy one because we are willing to do whatever it takes to get Hannah's sleep problems straightened out since they've been such a struggle for a very long time.
Preschool seems to be going well. Hannah knows pretty much all the kids in her class now. She has shown some parallel play at times, well at least she has gone over and played at the same activity table as another child which is a big step for her. Some days Hannah doesn't want to talk about school at all and answers every question we ask her about what she did with "I don't
know." Then on other days I get the play by play version of all the preschool drama. She tells me who hit who, who cried, who missed their mommy, who spilled their juice, who got in trouble and why, etc. It's pretty interesting to hear what all goes on in those two and a half hours and to see exactly what all she notices.
Lately Hannah's been expanding on her "connection making" quite a bit. She is no longer satisfied to simply turn an I, H, N, or 9 around and tell me what other letter or number it looks like. Now she finds approximations of letters and numbers in the environment. Pavement markings look like an A, the geese flying made a V, the telephone pole is a T, her sandwich with several bites out of it looks like an R, the window is an H and an 8. She also likes to connect what things sound similar or look similar. For example, she was playing in a clothes basket and lost her balance and fell over. The basket feel on her back
while she landed on her knees. She looked at me and said, "I look kinda like a turtle." We've never pretended to be a turtle or used laundry baskets in any other way other than as laundry baskets so she came up with that totally on her own. All of her observations are nearly always preceded by the words, "It's kinda like . . ." I'm growing to love the sound of that phrase because I'm always curious to see what she has discovered.
Hannah has two new games that she really loves to play. The first one is Memory. She was given a miniature set of Memory cards while we were on the cruise ship from the youth program and when we got home I taught her to play it. I'm not sure why I was surprised that she caught on so quickly or that she was good at it, but I was. Except for the fact that she tries to help the other person find their matches too when she knows where it is, she has a firm grip on the rules of the game and is most definitely better than I am. It's a bit humbling to be beaten by a two year old when you aren't trying to let them win! Her other new favorite game is hide and seek. While she LOVES this game, she doesn't have a clue how to play it. She peeks
when I hide and always hides in the same place when she hides and once I finish counting and say, "ready or not, here I come!" she comes running straight at me from her hiding place! It's pretty fun to play with her though because she almost never tires of it.
Hannah continues to love riding horses. Over Labor Day she finally rode the horses at my parent's house for the first time. While riding Julie, the pony, the dogs were being obnoxious and bothering poor Julie. She began to canter to get away from them. Hannah was not really sure what to think about cantering at the time and wanted to get off, but after the fact she continues to tell me about how she galloped on Julie! Going along with her first time cantering a horse, Hannah also got her first kiss several weeks ago. We were at the mall play place doing one of Hannah's therapy sessions and when Kimberly (Hannah's therapist) arrived we pointed over to Hannah who was hiding on a bookshelf instead of playing. Kimberly went over to try to coax her out and while she was over there another little boy who was the same age as Hannah came over and started mimicking Hannah because he wanted to play with her. At one point he leaned across the divide of the shelves and kissed
Hannah on the forehead! Kyle and I both missed it! I was bummed. I would have loved to have seen Hannah's face when some person (particularly a kid) she didn't know kissed her.
Academically, Hannah has been hard at work. Lately she's been obsessed with spelling words. If she knows how to spell them, she will do the honors, but mostly she thinks of a word and then asks me to spell it over and over. Going along with the spelling is wanting to also write those words. She can write many letters independently now so she asks me to spell words and then she writes them down letter by letter. If she doesn't know how to write a particular letter in a word she asks me to spell then usually I can coach her on how to do it by just verbally telling her the order of the strokes. The letters S, G, and Z remain sources of frustration for her even with coaching. One day I thought I might introduce Hannah's birthday, address, and phone number to her just for fun. She of course memorized her birthday that same day (I think I've already told you that), but has been working on her address and phone number
ever since. She finally had a breakthrough this week and has since said her address completely from memory and independently multiple times. I feel safe saying that she has now mastered it. Now, she won't always give it on command-not because she doesn't know it, but because she likes having the power of refusing to do something, but I at least like that she knows it in case she were to ever get lost. The phone number is still a work in progress, but that's ok. If she has her name and address I figure that is all that is really important at this stage in the game. Another thing she has really gotten into lately is cutting and pasting. She's working hard to fine tune her scissor skills which are a huge source of frustration for her at the moment. She is totally into doing "projects" as she calls them which is basically coloring something, cutting it out, and gluing it onto something else. She's been so obsessive about it the past week that I am quickly running out of age and skill appropriate ideas sine I'm not crafty at all. So, if anyone has any good ideas for toddler cut and paste projects then please pass them along to me because I could really use the help!
Even though Hannah has not been interacting very much with the kids in her preschool class or