Today Hannah has been on a cleaning frenzy, however she has managed to instead only make huge messes. Both incidents have occurred in the bathroom and I discovered them after I determined she was taking an awfully long time in there and went to check on her. She may soon be losing private bathroom privileges! During the first cleaning adventure Hannah decided to use lotion to scrub the lid and tank of the toilet as well as the counter in the bathroom. We calmly discussed how lotion is not soap and that she should not use it to clean anything. We also emphasized that if something needs cleaning then she should come tell me. I cleaned up the "cleaning" residue and we went on about our day. Then, during lunch she had to go to the bathroom so I let her go alone and sat and finished my lunch. When I was completely done eating and she had not returned I got worried. I entered the bathroom to see Hannah, with pants down to her knees, dipping toilet paper into the toilet bowl and scrubbing the seat of the toilet! The floor and the toilet seat were soaked and their was an unimaginable amount of paper already in the toilet bowl. I attempted to flush it down, but water went in and nothing went down! I plunged for a good ten minutes to no avail. When I asked her how all the water got all over everywhere she said she scooped it out of the toilet with her hands! UGH! We had another lengthy discussion about not taking it upon herself to clean up anything but her own toys and clothes or something Mommy or Daddy had specifically asked her to do as well as touching upon the fact that we should NEVER put our hands into the toilet water because it could make us sick (and just for those who want to be grossed out, it wasn't clean water she was sloshing around in-it had pee and poop in there along with all the toilet paper!). Her bathroom is now off limits until Kyle comes home and attempts to plunge the huge mass down or we call maintenance to fix it.
I'm just hoping I can keep her from doing any more damage today than she's already managed to accomplish. If this were our own house I don't think I would be as freaked out. I'd be frustrated and exasperated, but not freaked out. However, since this is a temporary furnished apartment that rents out for an insane daily rate (one week is more than our monthly mortgage was in Indiana!) I'm terrified she's going to break something that we are going to have to pay to replace or have fixed and we just don't have the extra cash floating around right now to do that. Along that lines, we found out yesterday that someone threw a rock through our dining room window at our house in Indiana. Apparently another realtor called our realtor to tell her because she discovered it when they went to show the house. Now we have to pay to have that fixed before we can either sell the house or take the buy-out. To top it all off, the car wouldn't start for Kyle yesterday evening so Hannah and I had to go give him a jump to get him home. It looks like we need to get a new battery for it too. Everything seems to be happening now when we are trying the hardest to cut back on spending and save money until we get into our house and are able to get reimbursed for all the relocation stuff we had to pay for out of pocket. UGH! Moving really is a pain. I can't wait to get into our new house though. I am super excited for it. Provided everything continues to go as planned we should close on the 29th of this month and be able to start moving in the next day! YEAH!
Ok, so I just got interrupted while writing this. Hannah, in perfect line with her creativity today, decided that instead of sleeping during her nap time she would read. That's normal, but what's not normal is that she decided she needed to pee and instead of calling for me to let her out of her room or just peeing in her pull up she decided to pull her pants down, place a tissue on her bed, and pee on the tissue and consequently also the bed! OMG! What has gotten into this girl
today! Where is she getting these crazy ideas? Now I have one more thing to worry about since the bed doesn't have a mattress pad on it. I'm not sure how I'm going to get all the urine soaked up out of the mattress or even how to get rid of the smell once it dries. I wonder if it will make a stain on the mattress. UGH! Mattresses are expensive. I sure hope we don't have to buy a replacement. This is turning into quite an interesting day.
Here is my autism blogger of the day, Christa at Hyperlexicon has a son named Ben who has hyperlexia which is considered to be on the autism spectrum. She writes about Ben's struggles and triumps and her emotions that arise from helping her little guy be the best he can be.
Wow, that sounds terrible. A lot in one day! Hope you get that stuff cleaned up okay. Thinking of you.
Oh my, oh my, oh my. I SO get the toilet thing. My Little Man is always taking far too long in there. We too have had to discuss how much paper is the right amount to put in before flushing, etc... I never thought I'd spend so much time with a plunger in my hands...
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